Recurring Meeting Notetaking System

In my previous role as a technical account manager with 18 accounts in 4 countries and 35 contacts across each I had to adopt a note-taking system to survive recurring meetings.

The System

  1. Each recurring meeting had a single doc (OneNote, GoogleDoc, Coda… pick your flavor).
  2. The doc gets updated for each occurrence e.g. weekly
  3. Regular attendees get penned in at the top of the file.
  4. The structure should be one that you can easily populate, annotate and review


  • Update the document for each occurrence. e.g., week.
  • Review the previous meeting to refresh your memory and verify completed or pending actions.
  • Quickly note if regular attendees are missing or if you have special attendees

Basic Format

  • Meeting
  • Date
  • Attendees
  • Key actions and conclusions from the previous meeting
  • Status on key actions: achieved or missed
  • Notes and Decisions
  • Next steps and action items


Do what works best for you and your stakeholders.