Customer Solution Discovery – Conversational Guide

We looked at conversations for problem discovery.

Solution Conversational Guide

SOLUTION = the current solution that helps your target customer get their desired outcome. For e.g. the current solution that your target customer uses is to Heat a slice of pizza, get a medical checkup, pay school fees, and pay medical bills to reach more customers.

  1. Does SOLUTION solve your problem? Why not?
  2. Where does SOLUTION fall short?
  3. How do you evaluate alternative SOLUTIONs?
  4. What would be better than the current SOLUTIONs?
  5. How much better would SOLUTION need to be for you to switch?
  6. What does better mean for you?
  7. Would the feature of SOLUTION make you pick it over others?
  8. What feature can be removed from SOLUTION and you would still use it?
  9. What feature is a dealbreaker for SOLUTION?
  10. What do you dislike about SOLUTION?
  11. What SOLUTION would you recommend to others? (who?)
  12. Why is SOLUTION beneficial for other people like you?

We can be the best, we cannot be the best at everything all at the same time.

Startup Self Reflection

  1. Which SOLUTION & features are most critical to your target customer?
  2. Which SOLUTION are you best suited to improve?
  3. Which SOLUTION has the highest monetary value allocated to it?